Prime Minister Order No. 30, dated 12.05.2016 "On the Establishment of the Inter-institutional Group for Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation"
Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the Inter-Institutional Group on Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation
Prime Minister Order No.25, dated 02.02.2018 "On the Establishment of the Inter-institutional Group for Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation"
Decision No.1092 dated 08.02.2017 "On the Approval of Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the Inter-Institutional Group on Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation"
Decision No.1213 dated 14.02.2017 "On the Approval of the Working Plan for the Coordination and Trade Facilitation of Inter-Institutional Group on Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation"
The NFTC website was designed and maintained with the support from the USAID Regional Economic Growth (REG) project.
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