The Committee is an advisory and coordination working group chaired by the Minister of Finance and Economy, whose objective is to improve the trade policy process and trade facilitation through dialogue between government representatives, business community in Albania and other interested parties.

The general objective of the  Committee is to act as a forum for improving trade policy process  and implementation of, trade facilitation and the definition of the primary directions of trade facilitation. 

The specific objectives of the Committee are:

  • To offer a national consultation and coordination forum aiming at improving the process of policy-making in the field of international trade (the aspect of improving the process of international trade policy); 
  • To offer a national consultation and coordination forum for the facilitation of the procedures used in international trade, transport, transit, logistics, finance and other issues related to international trade (the aspect of trade facilitation);
  • To make recommendations for legal and sub-legal acts in the fields mentioned above (regulatory aspect); 
  • To make policy recommendations for possible investments related to trade (the aspect development goals);
  • To raise awareness on the methods and  benefits of the measures related to trade facilitation (the aspect of information dissemination and capacity building); and  
  • To support trade facilitation negotiations on bilateral level,  regional and multilateral (the aspect of negotiation objectives);
  • To monitor the development of trade policy and to adapt them with the development of international trade (the aspect of monitoring).



  • "Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit", Tirana, Albania
  • 04 220 02 45
    04 244 80 21
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The NFTC website was designed and maintained with the support from the USAID Regional Economic Growth (REG) project.


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