In the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship, was held the second meeting of the National Trade Facilitation Committee. This committee is chaired by the Minister of Economy, Mrs. Milva Ekonomi.
It includes representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Integration, representatives of the National Food Authority, Representatives of the General Directorate of Customs, Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana, Union Chambers of Commerce, representatives of USAID. The purpose of this Committee is to solve the problems that businesses face in exporting their products abroad. The topic of the meeting was the adoption of the Trade Facilitation Committee regulation, and the presentation of the operational plan. Also it was discussed about the Technical Secretariat already established within the Ministry of Economy, whose goal is to receive business concerns regarding to facilitate trade. This structure will serve as the first step to create a "help desk" (worth 6 million ALL), where businesses will run and receive information on the procedures and technical requirements that products should have in the markets where they are exported.