On 2nd December 2016, was held the second meeting of the Trade Facilitation Committee, chaired by the Minister of Economy, Mrs. Milva Ekonomi.
Participants in the meeting were representatives of each ministry (deputy minister or director) and business communities. The Business Communities (BC) were represented by three business associations, respectively the American Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana and the Albanian Food Association.
For more information about the meeting, click below:
- Decision No. 1092, dated 08.02.2017, "On the approval of the Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the Inter-Institutional Group on Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation".
- Decision No. 1092, dated 14.02.2017, "On the approval of the Work Plan for the Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation 2017-2020, of the Inter-Institutional Group on Coordination of Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation"