On March 20, 2019, was held the seventh meeting of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (Inter-Institutional Group on Trade Policy Co-ordination and Trade Facilitation). In this meeting were present 30 people, members of the National Trade Facilitation Committee and representatives of the business community. The whole meeting took place in the presence of the media.
The meeting began with the opening speech of the Minister of Finance and Economy in the role of chairman of the National Trade Committee, which emphasized the important role of NTFC not only as a mechanism derived from Albania's membership in the World Trade Organization but also as a platform that enables internal coordination on trade issues and facilitates the implementation of economic policies affecting operators throughout the supply chain.
The meeting continued with the presentation of trade developments within the MAP REA / Trade Pillar, during 2019 by Mrs. Odeta Barbullushi, National Coordinator for MAP REA.
The representative of GIZ, Mrs. Milica Dragojevic made a presentation on the regional experience of obtaining AEO status, in the regional perspective, including benefits, the status of other countries and the information of the institutions and businesses present at the meeting. Mrs. Dragojevic, continued with her presentation talking about the project of trade facilitation among members of CEFTA.
Then, the preliminary study was presented by Mr. Engjell Skreli, expert from Institute of Public and Private Policies (IP3): "Preliminary Assessment of Business Capacities for Obtaining the Status of an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)"
In the end of the meeting Mrs. Majlinda Hafizi, Director of economic development policies in the Ministry of Finance and Economy presented the accomplishment of the tasks of NTFC during 2018:
For more information about the meeting click below: